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I Want To Fix It! monkey, monkey underpants

I hate bandaids. They just provide a temporary fix or mask the problem. I also hate deep philosophical answers and symbolism, just give me practical steps and be plain about it. Let's get to the heart of the problem so we can show it to Jesus and let Him heal it, mend it, restore it, rebuild it, or wash it. It's what He does!  THE WORD:  I'm sure like so many of you, I've been struggling this week. My heart is so full of the need to say or do something to help fix "the problem." I want to change the world for the Kingdom, I want to make the name of Jesus known to all nations because HE IS THE ONLY FIX! So, I asked Him, what can I can I help? And our loving, amazing, good Father gave me some very practical things I can do and I had to share them. They may seem obvious or simple but that's that way I like it and it's effective.  PRAY   B ecause it moves the heart of God!!! My prayers are powerful because I'm His beloved daughter.  He delight...

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