Peculiar Treasures - Blog Name Update

New year, new name right?!?!  I've been asking the Lord for a long time what this Blog is about.  He put the idea on my heart LAST year and I've been steadily avoiding it but thinking about it all of the time.

So, I'm sitting down to figure this out and I'm talking to the Lord about who I am and who He wants me to be and He reminds me that I'm a Peculiar Treasure.  I first got this label from my favorite author, Robin Jones Gunn.  I have been reading her books since I was in high school and a big theme of hers is we are peculiar treasures.  It's in the Bible!!  Exodus 19:5, yep, this describes me perfectly.  Of course, after I heard this I had to look up the words peculiar and treasure.  You'll see this in my blog A LOT, I'm never good at wrapping my head around something until I've completely dissected it, broken it down, and beat it to death.

Peculiar: a characteristic of only one person, special, particular, eccentric, unusual, something exempt from the ordinary. 

Treasure: precious, great worth or value, rare, prize.

Umm...yea!  Isn't this God's people? This is who WE are! Eccentric prizes, one of a kind precious! Then it all clicked. Besides the random thoughts in my head that I just have to share with someone and hope maybe someone else will identify or get revelation, I want to mine the Word of God to encourage others of who they really are!!! We are God's Peculiar Treasures!

I was talking with a friend about purpose the other day. I've been struggling with my next step and the purpose that God has for me in this season. She encouraged me to identify the thing that makes me mad and the thing I am the most passionate about. If you'll stick with me I'll share those things and we'll have a great dialogue about purpose.  Maybe the Lord will use it to speak purpose into your life too.  It is my deepest prayer that God would use this blog to change the world for His glory and His name.  Because He is the ONLY thing that really matters!!!

Blessings to you Peculiar Treasures!  I hope you'll come back and do some mining with me.

May the amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you!  



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