Never a Dull Moment

Life isn't lived day by day but moment by moment. 
Every day is a choice.

My life is made up of some crazy moments. Then I think, are they really crazy.  I mean isn't God working everything out for our good (Romans 8:28) and when we look back at those "crazy" moments we may see something incredible or amazing!!  Something we needed to see, hear or do that would open our eyes to the faithfulness and love of God.  Will I choose to look at these moments as negative or will I look at them through God's lens and let the Holy Spirit do a new work in my heart? 

All of these moments have ignited the Spaniak Family Motto...Never a Dull Moment! This is just one reason I love our little family, my amazing husband and unique little boy.  You just never know what the day may hold.  Especially when we are all complete goofballs.   

(Disclaimer: I'm seriously in love with my husband!  He is the most amazing person I know.  Kind, loving, selfless, fun, funny, good looking, the list goes on and on.  He GETS me like no one else does and he caters to me every day of our lives.  All this to say that I will probably talk about Dave in my blog a lot, there just aren't words to describe how truly AMAZING he is!)

I never want to miss a single moment to laugh and have fun.  I mean, Jesus came so that we could have VICTORY right?!?!  So, I intend to walk in that every moment!

Just a few "moments" lately in the Spaniak archive and what God taught me...

  • Bed bugs.  Yea, so you hear about other people dealing with them.  Something that was just never on my radar but sure enough we went to Great Wolf Lodge for a special adult only overnight and two days later I woke up with bites all over my body.  Not so fun!  The good news is we called and Great Wolf Lodge was all over it, very apologetic.  They comped our room and offered to pay to fumigate our house if we brought them home (thank you goodness we didn't).  

    • So, at first I was pretty mad (and itchy) about the whole thing and was telling Dave to hit 'em with everything he's got (he's a good negotiator and much more calm than me in these situations) but then I just started laughing...never a dull moment.  Other than the bed bugs we had the GREATEST time.  I haven't seen Nate that excited in a long time.  We surprised him by picking him up early from school and taking him to ride water slides and swim on a winter day.  The joy on that boy's face, priceless.  When I look back will I think about the bed bugs, well honestly, yes, but I will mainly think about having fun with Nate.  An unforgettable memory!  
    • Genesis 28: 15 - "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."  When you don't understand just trust.  

  • Someone stole our money. Yep, we woke up one morning and someone had hacked our bank account and was trying to steal a few thousand dollars.  Gratefully, Dave gets alerts on his phone and saw it right away.  He called PNC and they took care of it right away.  No harm, no foul, I guess.  Honestly, I see it as the Lord protecting us and I'm really grateful that my husband is on top of our finances.  

    • I was instantly filled with fear when Dave first told me but then the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart and reminded me of his perfect love.  I distinctly remember hearing him say, "Daughter, I got this" and I was instantly at peace.  Isn't our Daddy so good at that, His peace is Truly beyond all understanding. 
    • Philippians 4:19 "And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus." God will ALWAYS take care of me.  He's got my back and will always supply what I need.  Even though the enemy is always trying to kill, steal and destroy, God will supply ALL my needs.
  • I can't round corners. Really, as simple as that.  I run into things all the time.  Took a corner too sharply and ended up with a giant bruise on my leg...never a dull moment.
    • Psalm 16: 8 - "I know the Lord is always with me.  I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me."  
    • I need him all of the time.  Even in the "mundane" day to day happenings.  I need him to lead me, walk beside me and not be shaken when I make a wrong turn or get hurt.  Just because I was hurt doesn't mean he has left me.  He walks right beside me (sometimes he carries me) through all of life's twists and turns
I pray today that every moment will be an opportunity to see through God's lens and feel His indescribable love fill your heart.  He CARES! About EVERYTHING!

May the amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you!  



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